Friday, September 16, 2011

Health Concious Nation

America is not a health concious nation. Obviously many people in the United States suffer from obesity and diabetes and all sorts of other medical conditions. All because they decide to not make healthy choices. But on the other hand every where you look there seems to be a McDonalds or other fast food restaurant on every corner. But the fast food is not all to blame. It's up to people to make healthy choices when it comes to their health. If people don't take care of themselves no else will. It's a persons choice when they decide to "supersize" an order that was already huge to begin with. Later they try to blame it all on the junk, fast food restaurants sell. But the truth is that they are the ones who expose themselves to those medical conditions. Either by stuffing themselves or by lack of physical excercise. Society just needs to face reality. Reality is that they don't make healthy choices and together as a nation we all contribute to not being a health concious nation. 

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