Saturday, September 24, 2011


When a boy catches your eye, flirting is the process you need to go through in order to get some where with that guy or if you just want to see him fall for you and then ditch him. Plus it's really fun to do and to see how they react. But if flirting is what you want to do make sure you do it the right way and not scare him off!The first thing is to start off with a conversation try to keep it intresting and not boring. During the conversation don't stare straight at him or else that will creep him out and make sure to smile but not too big. Next you should try and be around him but don't stalk him and don't have your friends follow him either. Thats a big no no. Next, try to hang out, out of school with a bunch of friends that way when your alone you'll have more time to yourselves. Ultimatly don't be too clingy and hopefully these steps will help to get him intrested!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Exemplification Paragraph

               My sister Ashley is a very unique person. To begin with she is very picky and specific with the type of people she hangs out with. She only talks and mingles with certain people at her school. She is always picking out who she can and can't spend time with. It always seems to be the same people. It's not because she is racist or judgemental, but she has always been like this ever since she was young. The reason behind this behavior is because she is shy and sometimes has a hard time making friends. That's why she picks out the people she believes are easier to talk to. However, once you get to know her and interact with her, you'll be able to notice she has a great personality. Most of the time she has a positive attitude towards everything. She always looks at the bright side or advantages of everything. One thing for sure is nothing bad about anyone ever comes out of her mouth. Ashley doesn't like to stir up unneccessary situations. But, like everyone she has her ups and downs. Moreover Ashley is also a very intelligent person. Through out her whole life she has maintained a 4.0 grade point average. She is really good at grasping new material quickly and processing it. When it comes to homework and school work she never procrastinates. Similarly you'll never see her slacking on anything that is school related. She is always on top of her game. All of these special traits help build up to how unique she is.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Health Concious Nation

America is not a health concious nation. Obviously many people in the United States suffer from obesity and diabetes and all sorts of other medical conditions. All because they decide to not make healthy choices. But on the other hand every where you look there seems to be a McDonalds or other fast food restaurant on every corner. But the fast food is not all to blame. It's up to people to make healthy choices when it comes to their health. If people don't take care of themselves no else will. It's a persons choice when they decide to "supersize" an order that was already huge to begin with. Later they try to blame it all on the junk, fast food restaurants sell. But the truth is that they are the ones who expose themselves to those medical conditions. Either by stuffing themselves or by lack of physical excercise. Society just needs to face reality. Reality is that they don't make healthy choices and together as a nation we all contribute to not being a health concious nation. 

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Study Tips: Sep.10,2011

Studying is a process that that needs to be followed continuously. So if I were to show a college student how to study for an exam I would first recommend that they study study certain small portions of the material everyday. That way they won't have to cram it all in in one sitting. This for sure would not help at all. Also I would help them decipher what type of a learner they are. For exmple a visual or mental and sometimes audiable learner. Not everyone learns the same and it's good to know what strategy works best for them. Then I would ask them in what type of enviornment do they thrive in when studying. As in do they learn better in a quiet, and calm place or do they perfer a loud and full of life enviornment. Everyone adapts to what accomidates them best. Lastly I would recommend they take breaks in between, that way it refreshes and opens up their mind before they get back to work.

  • I added more transitions so the sentences would flow more easily.
  • I also added more detailed sentences because they weren't specific enough.
  • I tried to give more examples to some of the explanations given.